Why you’re not Productive?

Moiz Ali
2 min readMay 14, 2022


As my software engineering journey progressed, I found mistakes and shortcomings that slowed and lowered my productivity bar. Years before, it seemed no problem until I put myself through a Self Assessment process!

Today I would like to share those common Slippery Patches so you can get a feel and prepare yourself against them on the first hand

False Initialization (Lose the moment)

Being a human, we respond to everything that comes in for us. Either its a social interaction or work specific.

The region of time-lapse must be ideal. As a developer, if a task is assigned to you, there should be a plan to implement and get along to the finish line.

Time can never be infinite, so if you initiate stuff at the right time the possibility ratio of success broadens itself. You definitely get a chance to submit work at time. Using 8 hrs to complete work daily is an Art. Undoubtedly, you’ll learn this by time and experience.

If you are unable to do so, time is near when you get stuck in Late night spending for work and get your ass safe! This directly cast a negative impact on your personal life. Either your family, friends, or your own space.

Lack of Prioritization

Active and Passive are two natures that live inside developers. The person with first always knows what’s ahead, he/she plans and sets up their schedulers while others just procrastinate.

This practice leads to No Goal Achievement or Low Progress Levels. Also a common problem for those who are struggling to find a better fit between Work and Life.

Useless Internet Surfing

Developers love to connect with the global world and it's really awesome. But surf wisely not blindly. If you’re used to scrolling feed of your favorite app, many times in an hour. Chances are there to spoil your productivity bar. By surfing wisely I mean to surf at a specific time to chill and relieve stress. Watch podcasts, read books or watch a movie when you feel tired or frustrated!

So that's all for now!!

Have you faced these issues? or struggling to find a better fit. Let me know inside comments so we can tie threads and learn together!



Moiz Ali

I am a Software Engineer who loves to transform ideas into reality, devise solutions, write code and articles.